Most of the restaurants and bars in this area have American, British, or Australian themes and cater mainly to foreigners (or, on weekends, locals who are looking to hook up with a foreigner :P).
We unwittingly wandered into LKF during their Carnival street event. I thought this was totally random; Carnival occurs in February, not sure why they chose November for Carnival. Maybe they just wanted an excuse to throw a party and someone happened to pick Carnival out of a hat. *shrug*
Allison said that she didn't feel like Hong Kong was a different country. "It's like just one enormous Chinatown, really. Not much different from Toronto."
Well, here are a couple of things we don't have in Toronto:
Cell phone service in the subway (which I wish we had).
McDonald's delivery (which I'm glad we don't).
Anyway, that's it for Hong Kong! Next up: Taiwan!
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